Choosing Quality Care

What is Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR)?

CCRR is a FREE service that provides information about early learning programs including teacher-to-child ratio, teacher-child interactions, safety, and quality indicators. CCRR services also provides families with information about financial assistance and community resources.

How to Choose a Child Care Program.

We are here to help you find the best fit based on your child's needs and your family's preferences. There’s a lot to consider when you’re choosing a child care provider. The first five years of your child's life are crucial for developing the foundations of learning, health, and behavior. As your child's first teacher, you can prepare them for success by providing a safe, consistent, and loving environment.

School Readiness Provider Map

Need help finding a child care provider in your area? Use our handy School Readiness Provider Map!

Ensuring Quality Teacher-Child Interactions

Some School Readiness child care providers are scored on the quality of their care using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). 

What is CLASS?

CLASS is an observation based program assessment tool.

CLASS is not a child assessment tool.

CLASS measures the quality of interactions between teachers and children.

CLASS is recognized internationally for capturing elements within a classroom that improve child outcomes.

CLASS observation & scoring

Trained and certified CLASS observers will assess School Readiness programs and assign a score.

The annual CLASS observations will be done at no cost to the provider.

Qualifying providers may receive a payment differential based on their CLASS scores.

Higher CLASS scores lead to…

Greater student behavioral engagement

Increased math achievement

Stronger vocabulary and reading outcomes

Learn more about CLASS scoring by viewing this CLASS one-pager for parents.

Helpful resources to assist you in selecting the best care for your child!