Developmental Health

ELCFV provides free developmental, hearing, and vision screenings, along with support to ensure all children are meeting their developmental milestones.

By completing regular developmental questionnaires, you can celebrate your child’s achievements or receive assistance if your child is not yet reaching specific milestones. Early detection of potential delays allows for timely interventions to support your child.

Warm Line

Do you have a concern for your child or a child in your classroom? The Warm Line helps with concerns about a child’s growth or development, child’s behavior, classroom accommodations & intervention strategies and referrals for further supports. The Warm Line is a free resource.

Contact the Warm Line at 386-233-2568 to speak with a Developmental Health Specialist OR submit an online request and a Developmental Health Specialist will contact you regarding your concerns and next steps. You can also contact the State of Florida Warm Line (toll-free) at 866-357-3239

  • Resources

    Helpful community resources for the providers and families

  • Training

    Training support for challenging behaviors at school

  • Support

    Resources to support accommodations for children with special needs

  • Strategies

    Strategies to address any classroom or at-home challenges

  • Referrals

    Help with referrals for developmental or social emotional concerns

Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)

ELCFV offers free screenings to ensure your child is on track developmentally. Identifying developmental or social-emotional concerns early is crucial. ELCFV’s Developmental Health Specialists will review your child’s ASQ results with you and discuss the next steps.

The ASQ-3 questionnaire evaluates five developmental domains: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social skills. It helps in celebrating milestones and identifying potential delays.

The ASQ-SE questionnaire evaluates social-emotional development. It highlights areas of social-emotional competence, identifies behaviors of concern, and determines the need for further assessment or ongoing monitoring.

Hearing and Vision

ELCFV provides free hearing and vision screenings at our office or through child care programs. If you would like to schedule a screening, please complete the Hearing & Vision Screening Consent form