Have you noticed that in recent times the children in your classrooms struggle with self-regulation and conflict-resolution skills?

Are you wondering how you can connect with your families in more meaningful ways?

Do teachers at your school feel overwhelmed and helpless by some behaviors happening in their classroom?

Have you had to dismiss a child from your school because you were not sure how to support him or her and their family?

 Have you been looking for a resource that can help you resolve all these issues?

We encourage you to explore Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline!

Why Should You Use CD In Your Classroom?

Conscious Discipline is a skill-based program that will help educators:

  • Resolve conflicts
  • Enhance brain development by creating quality learning environments
  • Support self-regulation that strengthens relationships
  • Help children build respectful relationships with everyone in their community
    (Bailey, 2014, p. 11)

Conscious Discipline also aligns directly with the CLASS Observation that is required as part of the School Readiness contract. Teachers will develop the School Family by implementing structures such as the Brain Smart Start and Safe Place, which naturally allow for strong interactions within the CLASS dimensions such as:

  • Positive Climate
  • Teacher Sensitivity
  • Regard for Student
  • Perspective Behavior Management

Conscious Discipline supports teachers and families in growing these skills within themselves which positively influences classroom quality and children’s executive function skills, creating a caring community that we can all flourish within.