How to Build Your Child’s Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills build upon how young children sense, think, and understand the world around them. Problem-solving skills are important for learning how to make connections that young children can apply to other areas of life through new experiences.


Activities to support your child’s problem-solving skills development:

Hide a toy under a blanket, pillow, or behind you, and help your infant look to find where the toy went. If using a toy that plays music or has sound, press the button so that your infant can hear it as they think about where it went.

Sort and group like items together. It could be by color, size, or by type of object. (Examples: blocks, stuffed animals, crayons.)

Play Hide and Seek with your child inside or outside. Take turns being the one to hide and the one to seek!

Go on a treasure hunt. Leave clues for your child to follow and find the treasure (object) that you have hidden.


Want to know how your child is developing in problem solving and other developmental areas?  Visit Help Me Grow to complete a free developmental questionnaire.

Questions? Contact us!
Crystal Burns, Help Me Grow Specialist
(386) 317-3386