Monthly Backpack of Knowledge for Parents & Providers

The Backpack Connection Series was created by TACSEI (Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children) to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Each Backpack Connection handout provides information that helps parents stay informed about what their child is learning at school and specific ideas on how to use the strategy or skill at home. This series was developed … Read more

Fun Ocean-Themed Activities To Support Your Child’s Problem-Solving Skill Development!

It’s important for young children to learn how to solve problems because it helps them develop other important skills like thinking carefully, making good choices, and being creative. When kids practice solving problems by themselves or with others, they become stronger and better at handling tough situations. They learn to face challenges with a positive attitude. These skills are very important for their future success. Try it: On your next family day, visit the beach … Read more

10 Ways to Encourage Your Preschooler to Read

By Louise Baigelman via Understood Use these strategies to help make reading familiar and fun for your preschooler. These tips can also help kids who learn and think differently start to work on the basic skills they need to become readers. 1. Read stories to your child. Try to read together every day. Make this a special one-on-one time that your child can look forward to. Curl up together in a cozy chair or designate a … Read more

10 Motivating Phrases to Praise Your Child’s Efforts and Achievements

Common parenting wisdom says that we should lavish kids with praise whenever they behave well or do something good—the presumption being that praise makes kids feel good, and when they feel good, they behave better. While the latter half of this theory is undoubtedly true, behavior is linked very strongly to emotion and, unfortunately, most praise doesn’t make kids feel good or motivated. “Praise, like penicillin, must not be administered haphazardly. There are rules and cautions … Read more

Sharing Your Calm to Help Babies and Toddlers Learn to Calm Themselves

It takes two to make things go right! By Kathleen Mulrooney and Jennifer Boss via Zero to Three Think about any of dozens of tough moments during your day. The dog is barking, the baby needs a diaper change (again), it’s an hour past dinner time, and you’re really hungry. On most days, you’ve got this. You have the coping skills you need to take a breath, change a diaper, or make a sandwich without … Read more