Safe Sleep Practices

Did you know that the leading cause of injury-related death for infants under the age of one is by suffocation or strangulation in an adult bed? Studies have shown that the risk for infant death by suffocation is up to 40 times greater when placed in an adult bed than in a crib. While the unknown causes that contribute to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cannot be completely prevented, creating a safe sleep environment can … Read more

Safe Sleep Practices for Infants

The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida helps Floridians understand, among other things, “the importance of creating safe sleep environments for infants.” They’re a great resource for ordering materials to give to families, teaching your staff safe child care practices, and finding information on important initiatives like Child Abuse Prevention and Healthy Families.   Babies sleep safest when they are alone, on their backs, in a crib in the parents’ room for the first year … Read more