Ten Bedtime Tips for Kids

A survey by KidsHealth found that 70% of kids said they wished they could get more sleep and 71% of kids said they felt sort of sleepy or very sleepy when it’s time to wake up for school. These fun bedtime tips for kids will give children what they want and create a little more downtime for mom and dad. It’s a win win for everyone! Article shared from Stress Free Kids Top 10 bedtime tips … Read more

Safe Sleep Practices

Did you know that the leading cause of injury-related death for infants under the age of one is by suffocation or strangulation in an adult bed? Studies have shown that the risk for infant death by suffocation is up to 40 times greater when placed in an adult bed than in a crib. While the unknown causes that contribute to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cannot be completely prevented, creating a safe sleep environment can … Read more

Ten Tips to Help you and Your Baby Get a Good Night’s Sleep

As with every new skill your baby learns, falling asleep in a crib may take practice. Your baby may cry when first put in the crib. This is normal and should be expected. There are a lot of things you can do to help your baby settle down for bed and feel more comfortable sleeping in the crib. Every baby is unique, so you may need to try a few times before you figure out … Read more

Sharing Your Calm to Help Babies and Toddlers Learn to Calm Themselves

It takes two to make things go right! By Kathleen Mulrooney and Jennifer Boss via Zero to Three Think about any of dozens of tough moments during your day. The dog is barking, the baby needs a diaper change (again), it’s an hour past dinner time, and you’re really hungry. On most days, you’ve got this. You have the coping skills you need to take a breath, change a diaper, or make a sandwich without … Read more