4 Ideas to Encourage Family Reading Time

Reading is a lifelong skill and can be a cherished activity. By sharing stories as a family, you are setting in motion the ability for your child to use their imagination and learn so much more about the world around them. By Neetika Prabhakar via PBS It’s important to carve out quality time to spend with your kids each day. But there are some days when that’s easier said than done! Our days can get … Read more

How to Build Your Child’s Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills build upon how young children sense, think, and understand the world around them. Problem-solving skills are important for learning how to make connections that young children can apply to other areas of life through new experiences.   Activities to support your child’s problem-solving skills development: Infants Hide a toy under a blanket, pillow, or behind you, and help your infant look to find where the toy went. If using a toy that plays music … Read more

VPK’s New Assessment

Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) using Star Early Literacy The goal of the VPK program is to help develop and nurture students’ skills to be kindergarten ready. This year children in VPK will be taking Renaissance Star Early Literacy® to gauge their performance on early literacy skills and early numeracy skills as part of Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST). The assessment will be administered at least three times – the beginning, middle and … Read more

Healthy Reading Habits

Early literacy is one of the keys to a child’s success in life, including academics. Other than helping your child to grow up happy and healthy, the most important thing that you can do for them is help them develop their reading skills. The brain grows quickly within the first five years of life, establishing early literacy skills can help a child be kindergarten-ready and create a willingness to learn.   Check out these tips … Read more